

The Scandinavian Association of Thoracic Surgery (SATS) is a Nordic association of cardiothoracic surgeons that organizes annual meetings to promote research in the field.

Apply for membership

Candidates for active membership of the association, who are not automatically members through their national society, apply in filling out the form. The board decides if the application is accepted.

Membership fee

The membership fee is set by the general assembly. Members not having paid their fee for three consecutive years will be removed from the membership registry. In order to qualify for the special congress fee the annual fee must be paid two months prior to the main annual meeting.

Types of memberships

There are three categories of memberships:

Active member

Active members are thoracic surgeons and cardiothoracic anesthesiologists, or trainees of any country.

Senior member

Every active member at upon retirement will automatically become a senior member. Senior members do not pay the membership fee.

Honorary member

Honorary members are distinguished persons as may be deemed worthy of this honor by the board of the association.

Corresponding member

Corresponding members are thoracic surgeons from other European countries or from countries outside Europe, who have been active in the association and elected as corresponding members by the board.